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Listen to Dóra about the upcoming event!
Dóra Baranyai is a 4th-year Civil Engineering student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). She is the BME student...
Interaktív Vizualizációs Workshop: XR Megoldások az Épített Környezetért
Az Interaktív Vizualizációs Workshop sorozatának első két eseménye, amelyet az EELISA támogatott, diákokat, oktatókat és szakembereket hozott össze...
3. EELISA Mobilitási Vásár -Online Tájékoztató Esemény
Kapcsolódj be és találkozz a BME hallgatóival is a nemzetközi hallgatói vezetők mellett a 3. EELISA Mobility Fair eseményen online! Külföldi...
Connections and competences – this was the 26th Intensive course
The Intensive Course, looking back on more than 25 years of history, was held between 17 19 of October. Several international and domestic speakers...
EELISA WORKSHOP AT BME | DATES: 27-28/11 | VENUE: BME Main Building WHAT’S GONNA BE THERE?Introduction to Virtual Reality in Urban DesignDeveloping...
CompSA: Competition on Sustainable Agriculture!
CompSA is a two-day competition in Budapest, taking place on November 28-29 at evosoft Hungary Headquarters, designed to challenge...
An interactive forum providing an opportunity to explore the educational and cultural values of BME, exchange experiences, and identify good...
Next lecture of former Knorr-Bremse top manager to take place early November
Jürgen Steinberger's English language course is about the latest trends in the truck industry. BME Faculty of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering...
EELISA on BME’s business breakfast
The first event of BME-Connect, a new series orgnanised by BME, where the Faculty of Civil Engineering presented itself to the audiance, about 80...
“Cooperation is not a choice, it’s a must”
Joachim Hornegger, president of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and chair of the EELISA governing board, recently visited BME to...