The European Engineer
European Engineer

EELISA will lead to a single European cross-border accreditation – a global model that will bring European engineering, and therefore European higher education as a whole, to the world stage.
EELISA will foster a new generation of engineers who will be able to align smart technology with sustainable needs in order to tackle contemporary global challenges. Professionals and committed citizens who will contribute to the transformation of the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern resource-efficient economy.
These new European Engineers will be ready to work within interdisciplinary, multilingual, diverse and pan-European environments.
EELISA Recognition System
EELISA Credential
A modern system of achievement recognition that will acknowledge the engagement (attitude, implication) of a student within a EELISA community as well as his/her contribution to the process of solving social challenges.
EELISA Diploma Supplement
It will contribute to developing the European commitment of the students through mobility abroad, courses recognized by the EELISA alliance and involvement in EELISA communities.
Multisite degrees based on a common internal quality assurance mechanism for managing EELISA activities that will set the mark for demonstrating what a European engineer is.