EELISA has received co-funding from the European Union under GA No. 101124676 (2020-23) and 101124676 (2023-27) / EELISA-InnoCORE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 R & I programme under GA No. 101035811

The Europen Engineer

We envision a future where societies master global
challenges with smart and sustainable solutions
enabled by European Engineering

EELISA aims to transform European higher education while strengthening links between engineering and society


You can collaborate with eight universities across Europe


Who We Are

European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is the first alliance of Higher Education Institutions (graduate engineering schools, technology universities and full-spectrum universities) from different countries in Europe meant to define and implement a common model of European engineer rooted in society.

Our Mission

EELISA aims to transform European higher education while strengthening links between engineering and society by:

Re-inventing the “European engineer”
Democratizing engineering education
Evolving interdisciplinary engineering learning
Encouraging knowledge, skills and technology transfer
Fostering inclusiveness and diversity
Making a real impact on society following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs






Mit ad Neked az EELISA?

Ha szereted a kihívásokat, a kutatást, nyitott vagy más kultúrákra, szívesen szólalsz meg idegen nyelven, kíváncsi vagy milyen az oktatás más...

SEFI and Problem Based Learning

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centred pedagogy where the learning is driven by engagement with authentic problems, developing both the...

Meet us at BME JOB FAIR!

EELISA is waiting for you at BME Job Fair 11th-12th March at BME Building "K". Do not hesitate to ask our colleagues about mobility and scholarship...

Találkozzunk az Állásbörzén is!

Keresd a K épületben a 69-es standot, markold fel a szóróanyagokat és kérj infókat a külföldi ösztöndíj-lehetőségeidről!

A nemi egyenlőség a STEAM területen nem a nők ügye

Baranyai Dóra Eszter, a BME ÉMK hallgatójának írása az EELISA legutóbbi kerekasztal-beszélgetése apropóján. Az EELISA szövetség égisze alatt volt...

Create an impact with the Innovative Engineering Competition!

Would you like to compete with students from some of the best universities in Hungary? Are you up for an engaging and thrilling event? If so, this...

First international Erasmus Staff Week of BME – Beyond Mobility & Exchange!

The application period is open until 18 March 2025! Registration is NOW OPEN! Sustainable Technology & Management The first international...

Boost your future with the 3rd EELISA Scientific Student Competition!

Have you ever envisioned yourself as part of a vibrant research community, presenting your work at a prestigious scientific conference? Does the...

Ambassadors’ meeting at BME

Rector Charaf Hassan presented the plans for the development of BME to the ambassadors of the EELISA cooperation member countries. The German,...

Itt az új EELISA-pályázat, akár 15 ezer eurót is érhet egy ötlet!

Március 15-ig lehet jelentkezni olyan innovatív és interdiszciplináris projektekkel, amelyek segítik a kihívásalapú tanulást. A 10 európai egyetemet...

Listen to Dóra about the upcoming event!

Dóra Baranyai is a 4th-year Civil Engineering student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). She is the BME student...
