BME EELISA Researcher’s Night!

2023. szeptember 19.

European Researchers Night 2023 is a Europe-wide public event that takes place simultaneously in 29 countries and brings researchers closer to the public. It showcases the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, stimulating interest in research careers – particularly among young people.

BME is delighted to be part of the programme through its faculties and departments. We are looking forward to meet everybody interested in the curiosity and wonder of science!

We have gathered our programmes available in english as well in case so you can be part of BME EELISA Researcher’s Night! The basic language of the programmes mostly is Hungarian but you will be informed in English as well during the programmes!


On site tests of asphalt pavement

With help of the audience, undulation of pavement surface is measured using a 4 metres long „bycicle; load bearing capacity measuring with automatic and semi automatic device; surface roughness measuring with artifical sand; skid resistance measuring with SRT pendulum.

GPS can do it – fascinating applications of satellite navigation systems

How to collect information about our Earth’s surface from far away. Data acquisition from space and surface

Legal regulation regarding fake vegetables and their trade

Association of hungarian youths for the nuclear energetics: Atomic energy is our friend

Eugene Wigner College of Advanced Studies: exciting demonstrations

Spectacular optical demonstrations

Building a Star on Earth: Future of Fusion Energy Production

Play with a nuclear reactor

What color do we see the world in?

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