Three BME members talk in a short interview about their EELISA experiences. These interviews are part of a poster exhibition, which will be presented soon.

Three BME members talk in a short interview about their EELISA experiences. These interviews are part of a poster exhibition, which will be presented soon.
Ha szereted a kihívásokat, a kutatást, nyitott vagy más kultúrákra, szívesen szólalsz meg idegen nyelven, kíváncsi...
Március 15-ig lehet jelentkezni olyan innovatív és interdiszciplináris projektekkel, amelyek segítik a kihívásalapú...
Dóra Baranyai is a 4th-year Civil Engineering student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). She is...
The gender gap in STEAM education is an enduring issue that extends into the professional world, leading to...