The first event of BME-Connect, a new series orgnanised by BME, where the Faculty of Civil Engineering presented itself to the audiance, about 80 managers and experts from leading domestic construction and design companies and building material manufacturers. The event was also attended by Renáta Határ, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction and Transport. The aim of the event is to strengthen the connections between market leaders and the BME. Tamás Lovas professor and leading member of EELISA WP 6 introduced the adventages of EELISA students on the labour market having multicultural and international skills in their profession also the opportunity of the companies recruiting well-trained future employees.
Mit ad Neked az EELISA?
Ha szereted a kihívásokat, a kutatást, nyitott vagy más kultúrákra, szívesen szólalsz meg idegen nyelven, kíváncsi...