On the latest EELISA Onboarding Session, took place on 28th of April, the Hungarian representatives of the EELISA association, László Gergely Vígh, Institutional Coordinator of ELISA and Bendegúz Papp, Student Representative of EELISA talked about the association, its mission and drew the attention of the audience to the opportunity to join the EELISA Communities.

The European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) was set up in the partnership of 9 European universities. The goal of EELISA is to define and implement a common model of European engineering education, and to strengthen and facilitate cooperation between partner universities in both education and research.

EELISA’s mission is:
- social impact and commitment,
- interdisciplinary engineering learning,
- inclusiveness and diversity,
- knowledge and technology transfer.
EELISA aims to emphasise interdisciplinary learning and multi-actor collaborations, therefore it created EELISA Communities. In addition, the Alliance created the EELISA Supplement, the EELISA Credential and the EELISA Degree for students participating in EELISA activities and on the assigned subjects. EELISA places great emphasis not only on education, but also on international research and corporate relations.

“The EELISA Communities are mission-driven collaboration platforms that foster knowledge, research and innovation needed to solve social and environmental problems framed in Agenda 2030” – were said at the meeting. More specifically, the international research teams of EELISA Communities are looking for solutions to social challenges through the involvement of technology and science. The challenges, brought to the Community by members, educators, or external partners, are always focus on real-world needs and SDGs. The EELISA Communities chaired by an EELISA board are diverse, interdisciplinary groups whose members can be academics, students, NGOs, experts, public institutions, etc.
If you want to learn more about EELISA Communities, click here, or if you want to join or create a new Community, then click here.