Schedule: 26 Oct – 27 Oct 2023
Location: Budapest, Hungary 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3. Building K.
ECTS: 2 ECTS (If you would like to receive ECTS for your home degree program, please clarify credibility of the activity with your local study and degree coordinator beforehand.)
Language: English
The BME, together with FAU, ITU, and UPM, is organizing an onsite two-day workshop on technology diplomacy (Ethics of engineering, the responsibilities related to technology; Political, sociotechnical, and cultural aspects of tech diplomacy; Standardization – opportunities & challenges; Technology diplomacy in engineering education) on the 26-27 of October 2023 at the BME in Budapest. Besides several experts and invited guests, interested and related PhD students from all EELISA member institutions are welcome to participate actively in the workshop and gain EELISA credentials.